
No one wants to share their home with these unsightly creepy crawlies, but do cockroaches carry diseases? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Cockroaches are carriers of various diseases and viruses that can have serious implications for human health. Worse still, they are resilient and thrive in unsanitary conditions which can lead to even greater spread of disease.

Understanding how to manage their presence in your home and mitigate the risks they pose is more essential than you may think. Brace yourself. It’s not good news!

Diseases Spread by Cockroaches

Cockroaches are more than just a nuisance. By understanding the diseases they spread and implementing prevention and control measures, the risk of cockroach-borne illnesses can be significantly reduced.


Cockroaches spread Salmonella. Yes, they cleverly pick up these bacteria from contaminated food or surfaces and then spread them through their faeces. It’s gross to think about, but more than that, Salmonella poisoning can be dangerous. Dreaded symptoms like diarrhoea, fever, and abdominal cramps are just the start.

Escherichia Coli

Most commonly known as E. coli, these bacteria, similar to Salmonella, can cause a range of illnesses, from diarrhoea to urinary tract infections, and believe it or not, pneumonia. Cockroaches can carry E. coli on their bodies and in their digestive systems, and simply by being in contact with a surface, easily transfer it.


Often referred to as gastro, Gastroenteritis is another bacterium that cockroaches can introduce to our homes, contaminating food, water, and surfaces they crawl over. With symptoms ranging from nausea to vomiting, it is one we would be wise to avoid.

How Do Cockroaches Become Riddled with Bacteria and Viruses?

As clean as our homes are, cockroaches have an innate ability to seek out and inhabit environments like garbage bins and crevices where household waste lurks. These areas alone are breeding grounds for bacteria and these creepy insects feed on decaying matter including faeces, scavenging the area and collecting bacteria on their legs, bodies, and in their digestive systems. Their sneaky ability to travel between unsanitary and clean environments facilitates the very easy transfer to our living spaces. They drop their poo frequently, and when this comes into contact with our food preparation area, utensils, or worse still our food itself, they inevitably contaminate it.

Cockroach Prevention and Control

Luckily, there are some easy ways to prevent cockroach infestations and significantly reduce the risk of disease transmission.

  1. House cleaning: Whilst we all work to keep our homes clean, being mindful of throwing garbage out regularly, washing our bins, and storing food in sealed containers is highly recommended. Regularly clean benchtops and food preparation areas with disinfectants to remove potential contaminants that may be lying around unbeknownst to you and your family.
  2. Quick repairs: The mere act of sealing cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and around doors and windows to prevent cockroaches from entering the home can work. However, cockroaches can nest under the fridge, or in a tight crack between cabinets where you may never even think to look.

When To Call In Professional Cockroach Pest Control

When all else fails, the best approach and one that is most likely to be effective in the long term is elimination. Whilst there are a plethora of baits, traps, and supermarket insecticides that can be purchased, cockroaches breed so fast that you’re going to have to use multiple treatments in any attempt to create a long-term solution.

For a swift and effective solution to your cockroach problem, engage a professional pest control service. Their expertise ensures you’ll get the most suitable cockroach treatment option. They’ll identify the type of cockroach (yes, there is more than one kind) and treat them at the source.


Protect your family’s health and stop cockroaches in their disease-spreading tracks! Get in touch with Brisbane City Pest Control today.